Terms of Use for Organizations:
As an organization using Altruvir to connect with third-party volunteers, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Purpose of Volunteering: You are using Altruvir solely for civic, charitable, or humanitarian purposes.
  2. Accurate Information: You will provide truthful and accurate registration information and update it if necessary.
  3. Compliance: You will not use Altruvir to violate any laws or regulations, third-party rights, or to disrupt the platform’s services. You will not engage in mass unsolicited advertising via email or other means.
  4. Release of Liability: You release and indemnify Altruvir from any liability, claims, or demands related to your use of the platform and your engagement with third-party volunteers.
  5. Civic, Charitable, or Humanitarian Projects: You are offering volunteering projects that align with civic, charitable, or humanitarian causes.
  6. Volunteer Acceptance: You accept third-party volunteers who offer their assistance solely for personal civic, charitable, or humanitarian reasons.=
  7. Compensation: You will not promise or provide compensation or benefits to any third-party volunteers in exchange for their services.
  8. Independent Volunteers: You acknowledge that third-party volunteers work on a temporary, fully independent basis, and any associated liability lies with the volunteer, not Altruvir.
  9. Employee Volunteers: You will not accept volunteer services from your organization’s employees through Altruvir.
  10. Use of Media: You grant Altruvir permission to use photographs, images, videos, or audio recordings of your organization and logo in connection with your use of the platform.
  11. Modifications: Altruvir may change these terms and modify or discontinue the platform or services at its sole discretion.
  12. Termination: Altruvir may terminate your membership or use of the platform without prior notice if you violate these terms.

Terms of Use for Volunteers:
As a volunteer using Altruvir to connect with organizations, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Purpose of Volunteering: You are volunteering solely for civic, charitable, or humanitarian purposes.
  2. Compensation: You are freely donating your volunteer services and have no expectation of receiving compensation or benefits from project owners.
  3. Liability: You understand that any liability associated with your volunteer work lies with the project owner, not Altruvir.
  4. Release of Liability: You release and hold harmless Altruvir from any liability, claims, and demands related to your volunteering for project owners and your use of the platform.
  5. Personal Liability: You acknowledge that you may be held personally liable for injuries or property damage caused outside the scope of your volunteer assignments.
  6. Independent Work: You will perform project tasks on a temporary, fully independent basis, without significant and ongoing control by the project owner.
  7. Employment Status: You are not volunteering for an organization with which you are employed, nor do you expect a job offer from a project owner.
  8. Work Scope: You will not perform work typically done by an organization’s employees for their customers or clients, nor will you supervise their employees.
  9. Tools and Equipment: You will use your own tools and equipment and will not seek reimbursement for any materials or supplies.
  10. Use of Media: You grant Altruvir permission to use photographs, images, videos, or audio recordings of you in connection with your attendance at Altruvir events or volunteering for project owners.
  11. Age Requirement: You confirm that you are at least 16 years old and have the authority to agree to these terms.